Graphic Art and Web Design

Graphic Art

Where expression happens

Web Design

From UX-first design suited for all devices, to mobile first development, and from ground up development to simplifying and updating a site, whatever it may be, the final product is the culmination of your vision, and that is exciting.

A revamp

I met Sarah during a networking event, and though she had recently had her site updated, after seeing my portfolio she was curious to see what I would create as an alternative look for her landing page. It was fun. Sarah was great to work with and I very much appreciated the opportunity.

A softer, cleaner look

Sarah is full of enthusiasm and knowledge that she takes pride in.
Her original landing page (above) reflects Sarah's passion, but I felt the message didn't stand out, and so opted for a softer, cleaner look.

Content and editing

As it was used in the original landing page, I viewed Sarah's photograph as part of the introduction to her business as a high priority.
I also felt it important to trim back the written content into bite sized pieces, giving users the option to learn more.

Colour and font

I felt that lightening the overall colour palette would allow pictures and information better stand out.
IĀ also changed the font, increased it's weight and size, as well as the space between characters, and I chose a softer white to further enhance accessibility.